Get Involved

MetroQuest is an interactive software tool being used in the Long Range Transportation Plan to engage the public in developing the Long Range Transportation Plan.

MetroQuest allows users to experiment with different types of transportation investments, development patterns, scenarios and other impacts, and view the outcomes of each decision.

The public will be able to provide input using MetroQuest during three key phases of the planning project:

Phase I - Identify countywide transportation gaps and deficiencies

The public will be able to:

  • Identify their top transportation priorities
  • Provide comments on the existing transportation system
  • Suggest improvements, including identifying inaccessible employment opportunities and/or other destinations due to lack of transportation options.

Phase I results here

Phase II - Development and evaluation of potential multi-modal transportation projects

Metroquest will allow users to create multiple future scenarios and compare them to one another, including:

  • Transportation investments
  • Development patterns,
  • Potential scenarios and other impacts, and
  • View outcomes with each decision.

Phase III - Prioritization of the different types of infrastructure improvements

  • MetroQuest will allow users to view the impacts of different sets of infrastructure improvements, compare their performance against stated objectives, and rank them in priority order.

MetroQuest allows us to visually illustrate the relationships between land use and transportation. It shows individuals the impact of their selected choices through animated maps, graphs and charts. Users will be able to directly share their input by posting links to social networking websites such as Facebook and Twitter.


A list of Phase I and Phase II kiosk locations is available here: